Mahamat Abdelcamad


Since 2021, I have been working as an analyst, specializing in treasury and capital markets risks at Laurentian Bank. In this role, I am responsible for meticulously monitoring daily cash flow limits and market data. Prior to joining Laurentian Bank, I spent nearly four years working as an analyst, focusing on investment solutions at Addenda Capital, where I primarily collaborated with consultants and institutional clients.

I thrive in a dynamic and innovative environment, and I am known for my ability to work effectively in a team setting. In my free time, I am an avid soccer fan and enjoy staying active. I also find fulfillment in volunteering with non-profit organizations and supporting causes that are important to me. Additionally, I am a reservist with the Canadian Armed Forces, serving in the 2nd Field Regiment.

Voting Member: Mahamat Abdelcamad

Member since 2023


Michel A. Rathier

